Well, This is Awkward

I forgot June. I forgot my password to get into WordPress. I FORGOT HOW TO BLOG HERE.

But in my defense, I have not quite got the hang of everything here at WordPress since I switched to posting just once a month; I have to re-teach myself every single time. So I think forgetting my password and the mechanics of this platform is completely understandable. Now, forgetting June…I’m going to blame that on the beach.

I spent the entire month, walking (and dodging bikes and skateboards) and eating my favorite seafood (when I could get into the restaurants) and sprucing up the house (technically, it was just cleaning and painting two rockers).

The rockers would be much more impressive if I’d taken a “Before” picture but trust me when I say they were a dusty, spidery mess. And now they’re quite pretty, right? Anyway, the point is, June was a busy month, what with all the rest and relaxation and occasional eating and painting.

But I didn’t go full out Beach Bum. I got my work done over at The Muffin…

There was Bad Writing Habits, Part Deux where I fessed up to all the quirky (yet adorably) bad writing habits I just refuse to give up. Bet you can guess a couple of ’em without even reading the post (but go ahead and read it because they’re just that adorable).

Then I shared Confessions of a (Non-Professional) Book Reviewer and if you have a published book, you’ll want to give this a read to see what makes me review a book (and maybe see how you can get your book(s) reviewed).

Next up was Just Start Over, where I had one of those days where nothing was going quite right. But I have a trick for days like that, and it’s a handy trick for life and writing.

Which brings us to today’s post, aptly called Getting It Done With Pre-Writing. I didn’t do much thinking up stuff at the beach but I did read a lot, getting myself primed for writing. Or technically, pre-writing. Once home, I had this brilliant idea and…well, you can read all about what I do with a brilliant idea over at The Muffin.

And I’d like to say that August will be different. That I’ll whip out some incredible pre-writing not to mention a new blog post here without having to get a new password and such.

Yep, that’s what I’d like to say. But I’ll probably go back to the beach for a couple weeks…

One thought on “Well, This is Awkward

I'm Always Fishing for Compliments. Wait! Comments! I meant Comments!